In September 2006, a group of African American high school students in Jena, Louisiana, asked the school for permission to sit beneath a "whites only" shade tree. There was an unwritten rule that blacks couldn't sit beneath the tree. The school said they didn't care where students sat. The next day, students arrived at school to see three nooses (in school colors) hanging from the tree.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Like Kanye said... racism's still alive, they just be concealing it.
In September 2006, a group of African American high school students in Jena, Louisiana, asked the school for permission to sit beneath a "whites only" shade tree. There was an unwritten rule that blacks couldn't sit beneath the tree. The school said they didn't care where students sat. The next day, students arrived at school to see three nooses (in school colors) hanging from the tree.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
a damn good read.
from here:
Selected Minor Works: Hipsters, Prepare to Die
Justin E. H. Smith
O who could have foretold
That the heart grows old?
--W. B. Yeats, “ A Song”
I am a salaried functionary and a family man. I long for peace and quiet and a good night’s sleep, and I wear whatever my wife tells me to wear. At this point I no more belong in Williamsburg than I do in Sadr City. I send none of the signals that would assure the natives of my right to be in either place.
Just yesterday things were quite otherwise, at least as far as Williamsburg is concerned, and I attribute the changes not to will but entirely to necessity. Physiologically, I simply did not have the luxury of extending my membership in metropolitan youth subculture indefinitely. My temples went grey, my body shape changed, and college students started calling me ‘sir’ at an age when I was still holding out the hope of being invited to their parties. In large measure it was unfavorable genes that forced me out of what would otherwise have been a life of unrepentant hipsterism.
By ‘hipsters,’ I mean the youth in the developed world who construct their social identity primarily in opposition to the prevailing sensibilities of the age, without however conceiving this opposition as political. On a global scale, hipsters seem to have emerged out of the Reagan-Thatcher years in those countries that earlier witnessed the cultural shift known in Western Europe as “’68” and in the US more broadly as “the sixties.” (To some extent, the origins of the new form of opposition can be found in the sixties themselves, from French situationism to Abbie Hoffman’s advocacy of ‘revolution for the hell of it’, but the prevailing ideals of that era remained serious ones.) The complete account of hipsterism’s emergence out of the ruins of 1960s utopianism is beyond our scope here, yet the genealogical link is clear: where sex, drugs, and rock and roll were not a principal cause of historical change, where instead the youth were contending with wars, dictatorships, and real --government-imposed-- cultural revolution, today there is little or no hipsterism. Today you will see stencils of Mr. T (or whomever; you get the idea) spray-painted on the walls of London and Amsterdam, but not Bucharest.
For hipsters, prevailing ideas and values are not necessarily oppressive, just stupid; not necessarily worthy of anger, just ridicule. (They generally focus on cultural output from the recent past, for reasons we have yet to consider.) Thus for example hipsterism encourages its adherents to propose, in writing, on their t-shirts, to sell moustache rides for five cents, not because they intend to give anyone a moustache ride, and not even because the apposition of ‘moustache’ and ‘ride’ is seen as a source of humor. What is humorous is that in some imagined Country Comfort Lounge in Amarillo or Cheyenne a generation ago some big slab of a man actually sported a moustache of which he was proud, which he believed could function directly and un-ironically as a sexual attractant.
In Bucharest in contrast you will see t-shirts bearing the following messages: “Action Product Girl,” “Ultimate Outback All-Star Crew,” “Surfing Life-Style #1: O-Yes!” You will see the suggestive “Varsity Marine: Red Bum’s Up in Seemans Quarter,” the poetic “Rebellion Speed Inside Energy World’s,” and, my personal favorite, “Fertile Enclosure Fashion 56.” Have there, I wonder, been any sociolinguistic studies of these English-sounding strings of words? Clearly, they are generated and displayed in part out of a simple fetish for the sterling-standard idiom of the era of globalization. But for the most part I suspect there is no intentionality at all behind them. These words are not bearers of meaning; they are strictly decorative. Whether I am right about this or not, one thing is clear: one does not wear such t-shirts as a joke. They either convey nothing at all, or, to the extent that the message is understood by the wearer, they convey an earnest wish to say something serious about oneself: ‘I am an Action Product Girl,’ ‘I participate in the Surfing Life-Style.’ They are a world away from the “moustache rides” message. They are the product of a different history and a different logic.
But why is hipster ridicule directed at the cultural output of a generation ago? Why is irony focused upon the recent past? Contrary to some facetious fears that the retro gap is closing, and that soon we will be celebrating for its ironic value the cultural output of this very day, in fact it seems that the ironic focus is eternally fixed upon the detritus that was floating about right around the time of one’s own origins, the things that could help to explain how one came to be at all, including the invitation to a moustache ride that just might have led to one’s own conception.
Hipster irony is at bottom a preoccupation with the problem of origins, and as I have said the portion of one’s life one can appropriately devote to hipster irony depends in large part on the course set for the body by the genes. But the changes in my case were not just physiological. Psychologically too, at some point all my interests either became earnest interests, or no interests at all. I offer an example from that most common measure of subcultural identification: music. In the mid-1990s, I made the rare discovery (for an American) of Joe Dassin, Dalida, and other French and Italian pop stars from a generation prior. I would put on Dassin’s “L’été indien” at parties and the guests would marvel at how treacly and over-the-top the string section was, how the rhythm made them think of ‘70s swinger parties of the sort Michel Houellebecq would later ruthlessly de-eroticize, or of some French smoothie in a Jacuzzi, again with a moustache, inviting a topless female reveler to ‘make love’. And most of all they would marvel at how recherché my CD collection was, at how well it reflected the desire among those of my generation for music that fascinated precisely because it was originally created for listeners whose lives we could scarcely imagine.
And yet, today, my wife and I put on Joe Dassin when we are at our respective computers writing, for the simple reason that we enjoy the sound of it. Why, my heart now wonders, would anyone listen to music that he does not, straightforwardly and earnestly, like? Why, for that matter, would anyone take an interest in anything other than in view of its genuine interestingness? Just what are the smart-ass youth, who like trucker hats precisely because they look down upon truckers, and who appreciate cowbells in music because naïve disco-goers once truly appreciated cowbells in music, trying to pull off? What, in short, is irony in its latest and dominant form?
History’s greatest philosophical ironist conceived of philosophy itself as nothing more or less than a preparation for death. When Socrates said that to philosophize is to prepare to die, and when Montaigne echoed this at the dawn of modernity, they did not mean that philosophy consists in tending to one’s last will and testament or constructing one’s own coffin out of plywood. They meant that the project of becoming wise is one that culminates late in life in a stance of equanimity vis-à-vis one’s own mortality. "I have seen men of reputation," Socrates tells the jury about to convict him, "when they have been condemned, behaving in the strangest manner: they seemed to fancy that they were going to suffer something dreadful if they died, and that they could be immortal if you only allowed them to live; and I think that they were a dishonor to the state, and that any stranger coming in would say of them that the most eminent men of Athens, to whom the Athenians themselves give honor and command, are no better than women." His tranquil acceptance of his hemlock is a reflection of his wisdom. Yet in his speech to the jury he also points out that he is now 70, and probably would not live much longer anyway. His death is not met as a sacrifice, but with indifference (this in marked contrast to the death of Jesus Christ at 33). No one could expect a youth to meet death with indifference. A corollary of this point is that no one expects a youth to be wise.
Philosophy today is age-blind, which is to say that (other than a few thought-experiments involving infants), philosophers talk about the way people think and act as though people do not go through stages of life. Imagined rational agents, making decisions about the most just society from behind a veil of ignorance, or deciding whether to pull a lever at a switching station, are presumed to be adults, certainly. But are they 20, or 70? Isn’t it reasonable to expect different sorts of behavior in the one case than in the other? There is general agreement that some degree of selflessness in one’s conduct is morally laudable, but the scientific evidence tells us that the changing quantities of hormones in the body throughout the stages of one’s life have a good deal to do with whether one will act egocentrically or not. I find myself growing more concerned about the well-being of others, but I do not think that this is because I am becoming ‘more moral’. It is only because I am no longer driven by that mad fire that used to course through my veins and cause me to strive for nothing but my own advancement and gratification. I couldn’t have done otherwise then, and I can’t do otherwise now.
Race, gender, and sexual orientation have captivated academic imaginations for the last few decades, particularly among leftists in the humanities who had grown bored with the traditional focus upon class antagonism as the engine of history. Race and gender are more or less fixed social categories, notwithstanding the opportunity medical technology has offered to a very small minority of people to change the biological basis of their gender identity, and notwithstanding the ultimate biological illusoriness of racial taxonomies. Sexual orientation is fluid, even if the tendency in our society is to conceive it on analogy to race and gender, that is, as constituting part of one’s ‘essence’ and thus as being coextensive with one’s own existence. Yet all the while age remains well outside the radar of the organizers of conferences and the getters of grants, and it is interesting to note in this connection that unlike sexual orientation there is no possible way to essentialize it, that is, there is no way to conceive of the predicate ‘…is young,’ say, as pertaining to the identity of an individual always and necessarily. Being young, like sitting or sleeping, is something that can be both true and not true of the same subject.
‘…is young’, as I’ve said, is a predicate that pertains to me less and less, and it is perhaps for this reason that I have, of late, begun to hope for the reintroduction into philosophy of reflection upon what used to be called the ‘ages of man’. I do not know whether aging is something to be thankful for, as Socrates seems to have thought, but I do know with certainty that it is not something to be awkwardly and unconvincingly denied, as balding hippies, with their scraggly ponytails and their irrelevant cultural reference points, insist on doing. And there is no use in pleading that, though the ponytail thins, the gut expands, and the stream weakens, one is nonetheless ‘young at heart’. For the body is the body of the soul, and these outward signs of the approach of death are but reflections of internal changes. Yet it is characteristic of the postwar generation to deny that the heart must grow old, to insist that it is free to follow a course entirely independent of the geriatric corporeal substance.
But what I am concerned about is my own generation, those who have worn “moustache rides” t-shirts for reasons several degrees removed from their original intent, and its prospects for aging well, which is to say its prospects for dying with grace and equanimity. At first glance, the fact that hipsters share irony with the West’s wisest condemned prisoner would seem to bode well for them. Yet Socratic irony and hipster irony could not be more different. Hipster irony has to do with taste, not truth, and it only makes sense relative to a certain context of commitments and preferences, while what Socratic irony strives for is a contemplative detachment from all partis pris. In an absolute sense, there is nothing more in Death Cab for Cutie or Arcade Fire that commands one’s earnest and straightforward appreciation than there is in Boxcar Willie, Juice Newton, or Perry Como. From a certain perspective, it is all garbage, and from another it is all fascinating. Hipsters still hope to draw a distinction between the genuinely good and the merely humorously good, by means of a bivalent logic in the end no more subtle than the ‘cool’/‘sucks’ dichotomy through which Beavis and Butthead filtered the world. An elderly ironist in contrast has had the time to watch enough cultural flotsam go by that he can no longer pretend that one instance of human productivity is intrinsically much more ridiculous than any other. Fully convinced of this truth, he might truly be prepared to die: he knows what to expect from the world, and so expects nothing more.
But that of course is no fun, while youthful irony is a blast. It will thus be interesting to see in the coming decades whether the irony that has defined the world view of an entire generation of educated Western children will prove capable of aging along with those former children’s bodies. It is still far too early to tell, though it is likely that the repellent example set by their aging parents, who remain deadly serious about the ‘accomplishments’ and enduring relevance of their generation, who never really learned how to be old because they remained so loyal to the moment of their youth, will serve as an incentive towards reflection on how to age well, which, again, the old philosophy tells us, is the same as to die well.
Even in my own case, it is far too soon to tell. I am sure as hell not yet wise, as I find myself nowhere near ready to die. Like some modern-day Ivan Il’ich, I cannot begin to imagine how I --who once impressed party-goers with my selection of “L’été indien,” and who mixed it seamlessly in the mid-1990s with some other bit of music that had just come out of London or Bristol, something they called ‘trip-hop’ that set the crowd to dancing on my packed living room floor-- could possibly do that well. I am serious, all too serious, about all those bits of flotsam to which I’ve happened to cling, and which have kept me buoyed and breathing.
Iasi, Romania
19 June, 2007
For a comprehensive archive of Justin Smith's writing, please visit
Posted by jehsmith at 12:07 AM | Permalink
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The faces on the train can be so trying.
The advertisements you encounter before the morning rush are awful; from the crass and tasteless posters for horror films, the dregs of the underground product shilling, to the unsettling and truly very stupid ad for “Rescue Me”, the latter apparently some compellingly idiotic show about Dennis Leary’s distended neck. The atmosphere takes a slight turn to the more upbeat and jaunty as you exit the train: Hey! iPod ads! Colorful! All of the substance of a reggaeton song from a Newark summer of ’05! Drawing back into the trains, the most recent droll and insipid poster features a desperate woman, face oily and mascara running (undoubtedly the result of emotional feelings pertaining to the state of the MBTA), partially obscured by a chain link pattern. Captivity®! What the poster doesn’t show is that, if you panned the focus back a few feet, you’d notice the fact that the chain link pattern was a fence, not a wall of a cage, a seven foot tall fence at that, and the top wasn’t even that imposing, actually having those little twisty things that any eight year old can bypass without a scratch. Like the ones they have around elementary schools. And also relevant would be the fact that, like those school fences, there was a gaping gap about 15 feet down the fence. Captive, indeed.
Everyday the train rocks back and forth like the denizens of Central Square, caroming through the tunnel at a helter skelter pace, barreling around some corners only to stop for no apparent reason midway through the two relevant stations. The capriciousness of the train and its operator make each day a feast for the senses, and a fantastic workout for your core. For the bargain price of a $2.00 ticket ($1.75 for MBTA card holders, the gentry of underground transit) you can rock back and forth for as long as you can bear, shifting your weight in time with the lurching car. Crunches be damned: the green line is the low impact mama of the future. Focus your weary eyes on the gallery of advertisements as you sculpt your body. Learn Swahili. Teach English in China. Get that medical experiment easy money.
Teach English abroad. Sounds like fun. Screw you, mom and pop, and crusty high school counselor. College was a waste of time. I spent my childhood learning real employable skills. Mastery of English, bitches. Mastered it. Making loot and visiting foreign lands to teach them the native tongue. Figure the other skills I’ve picked up and honed over the years must be valuable as well. Figure I can cut them a deal for my expertise, you know, ‘cause I’m already acting as a consultant. Speculation skills, about all sorts of things, are a specialty of mine. Doesn’t matter how little I’m familiar with it. There’s that one. I can come up with opinions on the spot, at the drop of a hat, new and novel each time if necessary. I’m willing to peddle that shill at a reduced, package rate. I’m pretty well versed in websites, the internet. That fabulous beast. I can show the peeps of the world how to surf the web for hours. (Surf the web. Threw in a little lingo there. Free sample, to show them I’m legit.) Passive research. The World Is Flat. Pick up a copy of that tome on In Mandarin. Cause I don’t have the time to be reading it to the client and, truthfully, English is a hard monkey to tango with. Your not going to pick up every little nuance if your not a native speaker.
My general cultural knowledge. Expansive. A vast pool of resources I’m willing to make available to the inquisitive soul who has a thirst for knowledge. I’ve got knowledge of comics, video games, and popular music from 1994 to 2005, inclusive, with the exception of Spring 2004, when I was studying other cultures abroad in New Zealand. I’ve read lots of abstracts on Lexis-Nexus, and I’ve got Swank’s password to the premium section of the New York Times website, so I’ve got that going for me (and for the client).
Teaching English to a non English speaker. Could there possibly be a more ridiculous job? And why, of all places, would any right minded English speaker place those ads in the Boston arear? The last thing the World needs, besides transplanted ‘2004 World Champs’ Red Sox caps spread liberally across the globe, is a legion of Japanese people students and business men speaking with a Southie accent. The Southie Pacific accent. Ha! Give us a break.
A word we shouldn’t teach the clients? Appetizer. Ban that word. Stricken it from the English language. Because it’s a paradox. An appetizer cannot feature over 2000 calories. That, in common parlance, is called a meal, in American English, also known as a days worth of sustenance in the FDA’s words. That is an appetite. Someone pulled a fast one on us, dropped the –e for an –izer. Appetizers should be like tapas. You want an appetizer? Go for a run. Refrain from food consumption for six hours or longer, give or take one purging. Your body will create a natural appetizer. It’s called ‘hunger’.
T.G.I.F. Fridays cannot sell appetizers any more, because it’s a contradiction in terms. Food has to be palatable, appetite inducing, for you to consider it an appetizer in these times, and we all know the food at the Teeg is none of the sort. Appetizer. It’s kind of misleading. Let’s just call it ‘meal’ and be done with it. (T.G.I.F.; This, guaranteed, is foul (parenthetic expression; another grammar tip, gratis). And I really don’t recommend teaching people abroad about appetizers. The irony of teaching a Chinese person about the delight of ‘Potstickers’ or ‘Lettuce Wraps’, when their grandparents lived through the Cultural Revolution, might be a lost and pointless cause.
Getting paid for talking English. That’s like your Grandparents giving you money for getting A’s in elementary school. No work. Easy. Who needs a job? You really did learn all you needed to know in life in kindergarten. English. I learned that shit by the time I was six. Teaching English is one rung up the ladder from giving your consent for paid medical studies and selling your sperm. I can’t help but wonder if the English teaching thing is really one big experiment also, subsidized by the Federal Government and T.G.I.F. Fridays to provide wages to otherwise unemployable liberal arts majors and spread to the developing world the gospel of appetizers and appletinis. Or maybe the is government is paying the Chinese Communist Party fees to displace Bostonians in a foreign land to see the long term effects of being removed from the center of the Universe for an extended period of time. Or to see if they would develop a Napoleonic Complex for a Sino-version of New York. In any case, there are even odds that someone would end up stabbed when a compliment of teaching prowess in broken, Southie inflected English is tragically and unintentionally interpreted to imply ‘better than you’ status.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Funny Nerdlingers
Second opinion... that's funny.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wine on the tip of my toungue
"In addition to aromas and flavors, wines have textures, and the only way to adequately convey how a wine feels in the mouth is metaphorically (big, little, fat, thin, velvety, burly, etc.). Of course, the line between incisive and overwrought can be a fine one.
British wine expert Michael Broadbent once likened a wine's bouquet to the smell of schoolgirls' uniforms (no, he wasn't arrested). And the late Auberon (son of Evelyn) Waugh, in his wine column for Britain's Tatler, described one wine as smelling of "a dead chrysanthemum on the grave of a still-born West Indian baby" (no, he wasn't fired, but he and his editor, Tina Brown, were brought before the Press Council to answer charges of insensitivity)."
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The front line of national defense
Even when there are no cars a biker must put a foot on the ground for a full stop.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Borat's Cousin Gets A New Watch
Bruce Schneier: "At 0.50 minutes into the clip, Bush has a watch. At 1.04 minutes into the clip, he had a watch."
Monday, June 11, 2007
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere)arranging
a window,into which people look(while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and
changing everything carefully
spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and from moving New and
Old things,while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there)and
without breaking anything.
e.e. cummings
Friday, June 8, 2007
I still think this would be really fun
When I was a kid, I heard (personally propagated the lie) that Mattel actually created some working prototypes, but wouldn't release them because parents were worried their kiddies would die. I, for one, would rather die in a gruesome hoverboard accident than live in a hoverboard-free world.
Anyone who disagrees should call invisible Hitler and drive to Canada, because there's no room for people like that in this country. Get the hell out of America.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Dear God, Redux
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Dear God.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Nearly 7 billion of us depend on it. Yet few of us know what it is, where it comes from or how it's shaping the very future of life on earth.