Friday, June 8, 2007

I still think this would be really fun

When I was a kid, I heard (personally propagated the lie) that Mattel actually created some working prototypes, but wouldn't release them because parents were worried their kiddies would die. I, for one, would rather die in a gruesome hoverboard accident than live in a hoverboard-free world.

Anyone who disagrees should call invisible Hitler and drive to Canada, because there's no room for people like that in this country. Get the hell out of America.


O-damn said...

I heard the same damn thing from this kid who lived down the street. He also said his dad had connection and was going to get him a prototype but he wasnt allowed to show it to anyone because the russians wanted to get their hands on one. Which made me skeptical at the time. But not i totally buy it.

E.Noelle said...

actually, i never told you this, but i own a hoverboard. and what's this bullshit about them not working on water? that always made me mad... i cruise the lakes with my hoverboard.

O-damn said...